1. Donate money

For money Donations, please follow the ways below:

A. To Museum’s Bank acount:

Bank: Bank of Sydney – BSB: 942501


Account number: 001513258

B. Online: you can send money clicking the “DONATE” button using your credit/debit card in Museum’s PAYPAL account. You do not need to have PayPal account, just use your card. When the transaction is completed please send us your name and contact details.

Your money donation will cover expenses as:

  1. Museum’s insurance
  2. Exhibits maintenance
  3. Preparation for exhibitions
  4. Printing brocures/letters
  5. Post newsletters
  6. Internet expenses for the officcial website/facebook/E-mail
  7. Buy equipment for the exhibitions

2. Donate items

The Museum has already 90 item donors. For Item Donations, please fill the form with your details and upload item’s photos. We ‘ll contact with you. Alternatively you can call as on (08) 70710821. We will send you an acknowledgment letter and you will be include in the Museum’s newsletter list.

The following document is the Museum’s donation form.

When you donate money or items, we will send you the receipt, an acknowledgment letter and your E-mail or physical address will be include in the Museum’s newsletter list.