Τhe importance of membership

Being a financial member it is very important because you help the Museum by the following ways:

  1. Cover the cost to prepare of the next exhibitions
  2. Buy printed material (brocures, letters, etc.)
  3. Cover the cost to post letters to the members
  4. Cover the cost to maintenance the exhibits
  5. Cover the cost to for Museum’s incurance
  6. Stay informed with the latest museum news (newsletter)

Be Museum’s Member now:

If you like to join Museum’s family and like to be a member, please download the Membership Application and fill the form. Then send the first page it to Museum’s E-mail or to Museum’s office post address: “40 Carbenet Dr. Hackham, SA 5163”. The form is only for new memberships. Then pay $20 to the Museum’s account for this financial year. The fee is annual.

The old or new members can pay with the following ways:

1. Only for new members registration: you can pay online now (prefered way) with your credit/debit card clicking the “New Membership” button:

2. New and old members – Bank transfer in Museum’s account: if it is not possible to pay online then choose to pay with the following way with bank transfer:

Bank: Bank of Sydney – BSB: 942501


Account number: 001513258

3. Only for the already members (renewal): If for any reason you do not like to be in the automatic list you can renew your membership manual every year, with your card using Museum’s account on PayPal. You don need to have Paypal account, just click the following button:

Old and new Members:

  1. All of the members who has an E-mail they are in a subscription list and automatic invoices are sending to them every year.
  2. The subscription company we use is the https://square.com (financial services platform) and the Museum has an account in that company.
  3. When you pay with that way then an automatic receipt is created and send to you with E-mail.
  4. Members can store their card details when they pay for frist time. Remember to tic the annual box so that the card is automatically charged with $20 every year.
  5. Anytime you can unsubscribe from the automatic payment system. Just send us an E-mail.
  6. The Square.com company is keeping from the Museum a small amount as commission and the Museum from your $20 is receiving $19.56.
  7. All the transactions are safe as Square.com is a trusted company. Square opened its Melbourne HQ in May 2015.
  8. Αlternatively you can pay your annual subscription in our exhibitions.

If you are already member of the Museum and you do know if you are in the automatic list, please send us an E-mail. Ask us and we will tell you if you are already in the list and when your next automatic payment will it take place.

Your receipt and membership certificate will post to you. Please note this may take up to 15 days. Every year you have to update your membership. If you like you can stop your financial membership anytime.

PRIVACY DISCLAIMER – The collection of these details is primarily so that we can register you as a member of “GREEK MUSEUM of ADELAIDE Inc.” This information will be stored in the Museum’s database and may be used for future updates to you regarding Museum events.

The museum operates exclusively with volunteers. Therefore, we ask for your understanding in cases of delays.